Tag Archive | grief

Memorial Day around the Nation, grief strikes America

The wreaths have been laid, Rolling Thunder has rolled into the Nations’ Capital once again, thousands and thousands have paid their respect and honored the fallen. Memories and hopes left unfilled by those who gave all for our freedoms on this land as Taps has been heard over and over. The wait list for burial […]

Landon Korabek One Love Jamfest May 10 BE THERE!

  On May 10, 2014 the Annual Landon Korabek OneLove JamFest will once again take place at in Palm Harbor FL. It will be held at The Thirsty Marlin; a favorite of many in the area; and the place will be filled with folks wearing this years’ T-Shirts (order yours) and join us in spirit, […]

Behind the curtain, a legend or reality

Statue of Changing Woman in Sedona     I remember a legend told to me so long ago. One that filled my heart, walked through my mind while connecting my soul within the sacred hoop of healing ways. May it find its way to you… and somehow feel right today… Particularly after a conversation I […]

The Light is coming:

Let the light in, always. The little seed huddled in the dark is protected from the cold. It germinates silently in the dark, moist soil. Then, when it is ready, the warmth of the newly strengthened sun brings it forth to the surface, to form a bud, grow a wee bit stronger, soak up the […]

New Rules for grief (just made them up)

Loss/Grief/sorrow… the vast ocean of emotions that fill the heart and senses leave us weak in the knees and often leave us wondering how we will manage to ever catch our breath or balance again. Through the years, I’ve listened to thousands and thousands of stories, I’ve watched the eyes and bodies of so many […]

Over It, Under It or Through It?

Ah but for the wonder of pictures! I just knew there would come a day that the pictures that I have taken through the years would come in handy… they speak so many stories and are interpreted in so many ways depending on the day and the eyes that look upon them.  I like that… […]

Turn your radios ON, Jan 30th

Modern technology has made it easy to connect on the radio. The lovely news is that Chaz Wesley contacted me from Tulsa OK, and asked that I join him live on his radio show on Jan 30th at 5pm CST, so I’ll be at the ready, here in Fl, as we connect from here to […]

A child spoke: grief wisdom and so much more

Daddy Don’t Cry Those were the words that brought this man from a place deep away in thought as he kneeled in a garage, working on his motorcycle. He had gone out there for some quiet, he had gone out there to work on his Harley and found himself polishing the chrome, lost in his […]

After the holidays, grief pounds the pavement sometimes…

Once the holidays end, the decorations put away, the travel plans and events all over, so many seem to feel the “post holiday sads, the niggling feelings of loss/grief, things that just aren’t right within”.  It reminds me of the blur of activities that we know happen during holidays; from soldiers receiving tons of mail, […]

Music,Tinsel Grief Hope Holidays

“The connections that we discover sometimes defy logic. Logic however, is based primarily on linear human laws. In the matter of the divine, logical and linear thinking does not apply.” Dave Roberts I had a conversation this morning with a kind, gentle man; the father of Jeannine… “gone too soon”. He filled my heart once again […]