Archive | September 2012

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Coffee’s On, Enjoy your day …

May this be a day filled with grace, beauty and feelings of rejoicing all the blessings in your life. A day that is that is yours to take best care of YOU while finding the strength to remember that you are your most precious resource in finding ways to better fill you up as we […]

Harvest Moon Tonight, Yep a FULL MOON

This is a photo I took in Tarpon Springs as the sun was setting after a storm brought a double rainbow! That reflection and sight just took my breath away as I stood there, and tonight will take the breath of many as they look up to see the brightness of the Harvest Moon!  Also […]

Originally posted on Work The Dream:
Sorry for posting so much but I am laying here feeling pretty yukkie. Seems the third day is always the worst and then uphill.  This topic is one of my passions. I hear people call animals “dumb animals” and treat them like they have no feelings and it makes…

Points to Ponder

This little sign made me laugh outloud! The little 4 leggeds barked and spun in circles looking at me as if we were having a party and they had just gotten the notice as I found myself laughing even harder reading it once again! Points to ponder on nature and humans I thought, great points […]

NFL COACHES> I have something for YOU!

Get ready Coaches across the NFL it’s getting close to Sunday, and I am hoping against hope that as you prepare your teams, as you ready yourselves all across our country… YOU are taking care of your bodies and minds, and getting those arms AND shoulders of YOURS in shape. Not only will your teams […]

Give me that old timey "Kindness"

Ah, remember those days at the county fair, days when folks walked around and kids rode on ferris wheels and things that went round and round while others caught up on the news of town, and kindness was seen all over the place? I miss back then. When people and their laugh would override taxes […]

The Dogs Are Dancing into Monday! Are YOU?

Time to get your Monday Dance on! After your laid back weekend maybe like the 4 leggeds here? That is Patches on her side just “chillin” and of course our Jeepers, showing us how to lay in his bed with his souls showing! haha This of course was AFter the NASCAR fun run around the […]

Silly Sunny Sunday Here!

  Silly Sunny Sunday Greetings to all today! As I wish all the best of days, and compliments of little Kamryn to set the mood for a silly and most remarkable day to each of you wherever you are and whatever you are doing on this most glorious day of Fall… I’m almost feeling giddy […]

The September Equinox and Fall is here

Oh my, it’s official today the day will be equal with the nighttime all over the word; the equinox of autumn and the first day of fall is here! I hear that the colors are already changing around the lands, as the air is crisp in the mornings and the heat is being used to […]

A woman and her business to know as fall approaches

Kelly Two Wolves Meet a beautiful woman, one I know as “sissy” and one of gentle spirit and tremendous gifts Creator given and nurtured by spirit. I will often let others know of businesses that I like, of those that I don’t as well, of thoughts that run and ramble on in my mind, of […]