RAIN, thunder beings, Lightning …

BOOM/Streaks in the sky
pounding rains
and floods all over the place once again,
as the sirens are heard from afar and near
It’s raining…
yet soon the soon will come shining through
as I type I can hear the grass growing.
Summer time, and the rains are falling
the smells of newness still outweigh the soggy smells and the mosquitoes are having a hey day!
Bring on the SUNSHINE
we love the SUN
while others around the globe are wishing for rain, I’ve had enough.
So today,
thunder booming woke me from my sleep along with the 4 leggeds barking with such intensity that I thought perhaps an intruder had decided to meet them and me.
It was RAIN, thunder, lightning
once again as our guests of the day.
I tried to assure them, to let them know that it was yet another day to be grateful for all that we have, to just be in our happy places as I came out to make coffee in a cheerful and delightful mood amidst the barking of we don’t like the rain.
Only to discover that the day and the 4 leggeds alarm was trying to let me know that my happy place was being threatened by what I saw next:
what you see is WATER on my hardwoods
as a result of rains that have seeped in,
from the rains.
Once again, this year.
First we had Tropical Storm Debby and her ability to rain harder than folks saw in major hurricanes and have her way into my home by the deluge of waters and making their way into my home; now this.
Once again, the rains had fallen so fast, so fierce that water has made its way into my home
from the concrete slab it seems, the very foundation of my home,
the result?
My happy place is threatened, but this time not by humans.
Fancy that.
Time for the towels to be dried in order to be laid out again on the hardwoods.
Time for me to turn up the music, to dance, to get back to my happy place.
NO, it’s not time to call my home owners insurance, as they do not cover this, as I was told from the last Tropical Storm Debby.
It is time,
to be grateful, to embrace the day, to be thankful that another human was not the one who tried to get into my happy place with such nonsense or to get me to jump and react or to give them a come to sherry reality check.
I’m looking for the sun,
the weatherman says I should be looking for more rain.
Watching the flowers sing.

Wherever you are
Whatever you are doing
Do it with style
in your
Happy Place


video by
yep, bout like that it was!
English: It's Going to Rain! This was taken be...

English: It’s Going to Rain! This was taken before the rains came that produced the two rainbow images taken (and submitted) by me, at Chirk Castle on the 11th September. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

7 comments on “RAIN, thunder beings, Lightning …

  1. So sorry it is doing that again to the beautiful hardwood floors. Hope the rains stop very soon. Water can be a mess to deal with, in places that it is not wanted. It is just hot here, just hot! I love humidity with all my heart!!! NOT!!!

  2. ohhh friend..sending you sunshine thoughts for some days so that all that moisture can setlle down and dry out. I hate to see the floors with that water and it is sad that they are saying it is not covered since you did not lay the foundation. Sending prayers for you all my friend and hugs.

  3. What a healing journey you have traveled. Nice to see and it gives me incentive to keep supporting in my small ways even more.

    Than you for your life, it is well lived.


  4. Well…. saves on the mop. Towel dried floor are at least clean with only the effort of lugging the soaked towels to the washer too wring out the water, then to the dryer so you can slap them down again. Been there myself! sorry state of affairs. Would that we could send the rain to the drought stricken, the burning fires, the crops that are withering….. After all, there must be balance.
    Good luck with that sun thing doc. It's not yet halfway through the rainy season. Geeze….

  5. We have had a lot of rain here too…but not in my house!! It is a mass cleansing down there! As you dry the rain from your floors, push out and have the towels absorb any negativity….”clean” it away!! I will hope the sun shines on you soon…

  6. Hello Dr. Sherry, friends and furry four leggeds also. I am glad you were able to get back to your Happy Place even though the rain was pouring in on your hardwoods. That would be extra frustrating to wake up to. I hope it won't ruin the hard wood with all that water from Debbie and now this. We have rain today in the forcast but all we have so far is hot, humid and cloudy. Thankfully, we are not in the 3-digit temperature like yesterday. Up to 103°. Right now, at noon, it is 81° but the humidity is thick 97%. I hope the rain goes away for you all and that warm sun comes out and shines pretty on your part of the world. Wishing each of you a very happy Wednesday as we count our Blessings. /Sandy♥

  7. So sorry it is doing that again to the beautiful hardwood floors. Hope the rains stop very soon. Water can be a mess to deal with, in places that it is not wanted. It is just hot here, just hot! I love humidity with all my heart!!! NOT!!!

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