Michael Jordan Flight School, "The Best Time of My LIfe"

Kamryn Edwards
and says this,
Kamryn is “living the dream”
He stood in the presence of his role model,
his HERO since he was 2 years old!
got on the court
and ohhhh my, he is still reeling from days of balling with all his might, learning fundamentals, playing with young ones from across the globe, and has the bruises to prove he gave it his all!
He was and is still over the moon with his excitement and his joy of having been in the presence of the greatest basketball player of all time; his role model, his hero.
He got that basketball signed, and even heard the words
“good job” from Jordan to his ears about his time on the court!
You betcha,
he is already planning to work a plan, to save money, to make the honor roll in order to return next year.
He has great potential, greater passion, and now is seeing the hard work involved to reach the hoops and the dreams.
ole Doc/aka the Godmother got to see
Michael Jordan to take these photos, to hear his inspiration, to watch him walk on that court with such swag and such ease.
Those kids asked questions that were funny, were intense, were relevant long before any of them were born!
He was honest, honorable, was straight up in his answers.
I like that alot!
He is fierce in his passion
in his journey
and not many will ever fit those
Jordans or wear them quite the way he does.
And oh what a smile to light up a court
with Kamryn sitting so close to him and I wish I could have been in his thoughts.
 True to his first thoughts though,
when I asked Kamryn how it was to first come eye to eye with his hero?
He responded with a grin,
“I almost fainted”.
And to see him across the court as he emerged from getting his autographed ball upstairs was priceless.
He was so high off the ground, yep he could have indeed flown.
After camp, a signed pall and his
All STar Award
Michael Jordan 2012~
Now I am sure if they gave an award for the best dressed Godmother
I would have been awarded!
Coach Carb thought I looked just “fine” as I was dressed Jordan head to feet and we visited.
He said that Kamryn was a fine young man, and had great promise!
Kamryn and Coach Carb
a man of great integrity, honor, and one who captured my heart with his leadership and the way he interacted with these ballers on the courts and all week long!
Those folks running this camp have my great respect, they are quite amazing to observe and have this down to a fine science.
Coach Carb
is quite a man
and I sure do love some Carb.
Now I am wondering if those hugs I got from him are fattening?
Thanks Coaches, and thanks
you have inspired, have fueled a fire that was already burning brightly in one young man
who now will work harder, dream larger
and work the plan.
“If you’re trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I’ve had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” – Michael Jordan
Oh yea baby
got that ball signed and looked into the eyes of a role model! So excited but having to look “calm” for the masses, but about to bust he said later!
Walk in Beauty,

English: Former basketball player Michael Jordan

English: Former basketball player Michael Jordan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



7 comments on “Michael Jordan Flight School, "The Best Time of My LIfe"

  1. The Michael Jordan Flight School is definitely a great event for young and old (meaning players and coaches). We've brought players from all over the world to this basketball camp over the past few years and everyone was psyched to have been there.

    We're certainly looking forward to next years camp – and I know our ~200 players are too 🙂

    Join us!


  2. […] Michael Jordan Flight School, “The Best Time of My LIfe” (drses.wordpress.com) […]

  3. […] Michael Jordan Flight School, “The Best Time of My LIfe” (drses.wordpress.com) […]

  4. […] Michael Jordan Flight School, “The Best Time of My LIfe” (drses.wordpress.com) […]

  5. A dream come true for one who is so dedicated, devoted, and all of the right words for one who is working the plan. I have laughed, I have cried and done all that a Great Auntie needed to do this week. Dont know what is the funniest in the bubble or the look on his face when he stuck his toes in the Ocean. I bet he almost fainted when he saw MJ, I know I would have swooned. He is a handsome, sweet and you can tell he loves his kids. Maybe I will go next year just to see MJ. This was a dream come true I am sure. Kamryn will be on cloud nine for several days and look forward to next year saving his pennies for another trip. Wonder if we could do something on Utube to raise some money?? Wouldnt that be wonderful. I am so proud of him and his desire to rise to the top. Everyone needs a goal and go for it. Thanks to DLB and Dr. SES. dreams do come true. Watch out Kam and I will see you on Sunday for some down time with the 4 leggeds and some good company. Rest up Dr. here we come. Blessings to all.

  6. What a wonderful experience for Kam! I so hope he does get to return next year. His level of commitment is remarkable at such a young age. that is what Olympians are all about. he has a burning passion for the game and the chops to follow through. I am so proud of him. What a wonderful memory you have made for him doc.
    safe flight home. Bet you are both ready to kick back and chill for a few days. be well

  7. Hello Dr. Sherry and friends. So happy to hear how much Kamryn enjoyed that dream come true of his. What a great honor to meet his hero and great life experience for a little boy. I loved the pictures and I look forward to hearing more about the trip and experience. I also look forward to seeing what an impact those days has on him as he gets older and pursues his dream. Have a wonderful rest of the day and a grand weekend. /Sandy♥

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