Wishing YOU a Reeses’ Kinda of Day!

Sometimes it’s the little things that bring the most joy and the biggest smiles!
That’s the kinda day I am wishing you today.
One of those days where out of the blue, you just smile for no other reason than 
Of course it would be grand if you got a great surprise, or good news, or a smile like the one in that picture when Kamryn presented me with our favorite chocolate after Michael Jordan Camp!
A day today that lights up your world, maybe a text, an email or phone call that just tickles you to life with someone who has decided to “pay it forward” and leaves you breathless in the process.
Had one of those days lately?
They are indeed effervescent to say the least, and sure beat a rainy or dreary day of sitting in the corner eating worms any day of the week!
As I listen to the news, watch posts on Facebook and twitter and social media sites, I continue to wonder where the filter of others have gone. That same filter seems to have left the building of the RNC as speeches and bad behavior have been witnessed there as well. There seems to be a strong need for courses in Anatomy 101 and Kindness 100 across the lands these days and a beginner course in happiness and simple ways to delight others with surprises of joy, and perhaps a Reese’s cup along the way just to make someone’s day.
Perhaps as the blue moon is making its way to us, things are ramping up on crazy actions and behaviors, as i looked up last night and oh what a moon I saw!
Strange things are happening all around us, folks are acting like they are “off their feed” here, there and everywhere.
Let’s blame it on the moon and the tides changing, after all Limbaugh in his usual style blamed Issac on our President
I’m wondering if we can start an email campaign to the local news stations and media insisting on hearing about
and local happenings and those who “pay it forward” with kind acts to and for others.
Those wonderful acts of surprises for others that are human and live their lives best they can who from time to time need a little help here and there.
How about children who have a passion and need someone to mentor them and help make their dreams come true or do things that they love consistently yet cannot really afford to get there; or afford the lessons to make it happen
Let’s see if we can just collectively work to throw positive energy out there, to hope for goodness to prevail in the midst of all the craziness that seems to be on every corner and on the big screen!
While doing our part to effect change in small and big ways to another that may benefit and grow by our care, our presence and our concern, we may indeed see something larger than ourselves bloom into a beautiful September as we enjoy this blue moon that is on the rise.
Just last night I was the benefactor of an email that thrilled me beyond measure from someone who showed me true generosity in caring and compassion;
it filled my heart beyond measure.
I sat in disbelief as I read and re-read the words of kindness and compassion and great surprises
and was overwhelmed.
Oh it was a Reese’s moment to be certain and I savored the kindness that was extended in making dreams turn into reality and the ability and ease which someone paid it forward with a pure heart.
Paying it forward 
what three words of wonder
and actions that continue to amaze folks and tickle the senses allowing us to believe in the good in the world and those who walk alongside us daily.
I’m all for standing up for the four-leggeds, the winged ones, the swimmers and crawlers; I’m against abuse in any form.
Yet, I do believe that we need to really focus on our fellow human and those who reach out in times like this with extra kindness and concern and gifts of paying it forward in small and large ways;
just because we can.
We together are so much more
than when we are alone.
It is one more of those choices
we hear and talk about,
one more time of choosing to embrace our brothers and sisters, the Elders and the children
in hope for the now and the future.
As we all know, and often need the reminder to not take any wooden nickels; we also need to know that the touch of human kindness mirrors others to do and be the same.
That feeling that is generated within when someone does a good deed or extends a hand or gesture of kindness is the light that is made to burn brighter within and warm the spirit.
The eternal flame of 
It brings out the best in who and what we represent to ourselves and to others.
A special shout out to
Julia Skinner, Director and coach of the
NRV ELITE in Christiansburg VA today, who is also a warrior and breast Cancer survivor; thank you for being you and for mentoring Kamryn!
Good luck to those balling this year on the NRV ELITE!
Rise and GRIND ballers with dedication as you “strive for excellence” under such remarkable leadership
May the Creator bless us and those who serve.
 Walk in Beauty,

5 comments on “Wishing YOU a Reeses’ Kinda of Day!

  1. […] Wishing YOU a Reeses’ Kinda of Day! (drses.wordpress.com) […]

  2. excellent—-and all so true. Thanks for the read, Dr. Sherry.
    Kamryn just shines!!!!
    Always enjoy his pictures, and all of the pictures you post.

    Thanks Again— Your messages make our day.

  3. Hello Dr. Sherry and Friends. Happy Thursday to each of you. Dr. Sherry, thank you for the good words today. I loved the expression “folks are acting like they are off their feed” Heh Heh – I said the same thing coming in to work at 5:00 a.m. this morning. Never so saw many Kooky people on the road that early. I was about ready to pull off and go home. My usual 40 minute drive was 50 minutes. I was trying to stay out of the way of those who were “off their feed.” Here at work the ER is climbing off the walls. It is true, a full moon brings about some very odd behaviour and a Blue Full Moon must be very powerfull because it is starting early. Wonder what tomorrow will bring?

    I also love the “Pay It Forward” acts that we sometimes see and do.
    Everyone needs the pleasurable Reese cup treat occasionaly. That sounds good about now.

    Wishing everyone a very Terrific Thursday. /Sandy♥

    • Oh my goodness are folks “off their feed” this week and I do believe it might just get worse as we are now in the day of that blue moon that will rise tonight! blessings on the breezes to you dear one, glad I gave you a laugh.

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